New coder

Say hello to our new team member: Andres Jesse Porfirio. He is a very experienced coder.
If you want to know more about him just visit his portifolio at

Now with his help we'll be making more and more progress.
The team is growing up and the alpha release time is to come.

Bye all, have a good week.


  1. Is this game currently available in BETA? Or have I missed the link somewhere. This looks good and it seems like you guys have put lots of time and effort into what you have so far.

    Keep it up!

  2. No this game is in pre-alpha closed for tests and implementations. We are getting the best of ourselfs in this game. And will release asap.

  3. you guys got twitter so we can join?

  4. No, not yet, but that is a good idea, we will study that possibility. Some news are posted at
